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Experience RBI

In addition to powerful, Word-based and anointed classes, the RBI student has many opportunities on a weekly basis to learn and develop through invaluable hands-on ministry training, as well as grow in the things of God alongside other on-fire classmates. Below is just a glimpse of what students can experience.



Students attending the River Bible Institute not only learn about ministry in the classroom, but also practically. In addition to regular class times, students attend at least one soulwinning class per academic school week, and one Super Outreach Saturday per month. These classes usually include evanglism training and actual ministry time in local communitites.

Local Church


Students attending RBI will be required to attend The River at Tampa Bay Church (unless a student is already a member of a church in the local area before school attendance). Attendance and involvement at The River Church enhance the student's training in the ministry as they receive from the presence of God and serve in the local church.

Ministry of Helps


Students of the River Bible Institute will be required to serve in the helps ministry at The River at Tampa Bay Church (or their local church as listed above). There will be many opportunities for the student to learn how ministry works in the local church through different types of departments, such as Ushering, Food Ministry, Productions, Worship, Bus Ministry, Greeters, and more.



Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays during regular school weeks begin with worship in Chapel services.


Students with musical ability and a worshipper's heart may also have the opportunity to be a part of the Chapel worship team. Evaluations are usually held once per scholastic quarter.

Conference Attendance


There are several RMI conferences and one Revival Week event per school year. These meetings are an opportunity for students to receive a touch from God as He changes them from the inside out.


Students are required to attend all services (evening and Saturday services may only be missed if a student has to work).

Great Awakening Tours


Many students of the River Bible Institute recieve the opportunity to travel with Revival Ministries International on one or more "Great Awakening Tours" (GAT's). With soulwinning in the daytime and revival meetings in the evening, students a part of GAT teams have the opportunity to see many lives touched and changed by the power of God.

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